- The winners of elections are those who crush their opponents with campaign dollars, which largely go to incumbents.
- They go on to spend most of their time raising money from those who have a lot of it.
- Policies implemented and laws passed are based on the preferences of the wealthy and monied interest groups, while regular citizens by themselves have little direct impact on the process.
- Election dollars are counted in the billions, and the amount is only increasing. Meanwhile, the percentage of outside spending, in the form of both independent expenditures (separate from candidate spending) and money pouring into states from beyond their boundaries, is also on the rise.
- We got here due to misguided Supreme Court decisions, so an amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the only feasible solution.
- Congress is corrupted and cannot be counted on to propose an amendment for ratification.
- An alternative means of producing an amendment is an Article V Convention. How this works is that states call for an amendment, one on the subject of reforming our broken campaign finance system, and send delegates uncorrupted by big money in politics to the convention to hash out an appropriate amendment, which the states then ratify as usual.
- History tells us that the majority of Constitutional amendments have involved state resolutions calling for an Article V Convention on the issues the nation faced, forcing Congress to either act or lose control of the amendment language.
Come join us in this historic effort to win back our democracy!