Below, you’ll find recommendations on reaching out. Any questions, feel free to message us on our Facebook page or send an email to Let’s do this!
Calling Your Legislator
The most effective method of getting your legislator onboard is to have a conversation with them about the need for campaign finance reform and the Article V Convention. You might be lucky enough to have some time with them in person at an event, but you can always give them a ring.
When you call you will most likely be directed to their legislative aide. Tell them briefly why you are calling, and ask them to set up a time to speak with the legislator. If no one answers, leave a voicemail requesting a phone call and call back if you don’t hear back in a few days.
When you do eventually talk to them, say you appreciate them taking the time to speak with you, and also thank them for something they’ve done. Oftentimes they get more complaints than they do praise, so you’ll want to distinguish yourself from someone with a bone to pick. It can be their sponsorship or supporting vote on a piece of legislation you like, or you can thank them for previous support on the effort to win the 28th Amendment. Check for their name on the last convention call resolution and this letter to Congress calling for an amendment.
After that, tell them your story, why getting big money out of politics is important to you. Solicit their opinion on campaign finance and elections in this country, if they think any part of the system could be improved, and tie it back into the need to hold an Article V Convention to clean up the Supreme Court’s mistakes and bypass our corrupt Congress.
Most importantly, ask them to support HCR 5!
Writing a Letter
While email is the modern method of communication, messages can end up in spam, accidentally deleted, or otherwise missed. A signed letter from a constituent is a physical thing and hard for a legislator to ignore. When deciding which way to vote on a bill, a legislator will frequently take a tally of letters and phone calls for and against into consideration. A big stack therefore has a big impact.
You’ll find a template letter here. Make sure to make it personal, and put your address so they know you’re a constituent!