The April 10th Hearing, and Where We Go from Here
For the second time in our history, Delaware Get Money Out was able to speak on the corrosive impact of money in politics on our government and our country’s well-being before the House Administration Committee of the General Assembly, and we made a strong showing. Free and Fair Elections didn’t pass this time around due to a lot of opposition from committee members going in, but we laid the groundwork for coming back stronger than ever, maybe even this session! HCR 5, the Free and Fair Elections Resolution, sets out to make sure that American elections are “free from the disproportional influence of special interests and fair enough that any citizen can be elected into office,” and does so by calling for a states-led convention for proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution as described in Article V of the same. It had the backing of many Delawareans, not just the 16 supporters we could cram into the room, which included individuals from Wolf-PAC, American Promise Delaware, and the Delaware Coalition for Open Government. Our sponsor, Rep. David Bentz, is a champion for many electoral reform bills like this one. He laid out for the committee how every year elections get more expensive and require more fundraising to win, and that Congress has become less responsive to the people as a result and is doing nothing about the issue. He...
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